Best-selling author John Eldredge recently wrote a book about Jesus titled Beautiful Outlaw. One of the things that struck Eldredge as he researched and wrote his new work was noting how grounded Jesus was as a person.

Eldredge wrote that Jesus had the “ability to navigate praise, then hatred, false flattery, then adoring crowds, vicious slander, and then people who simply don’t care—all with a grace and a sense of self that was simply stunning. Here was one grounded man.”

Jesus’ days were filled with ups and downs. For example, consider one of the times the religious leaders came to test Him—pressuring Jesus for another sign to prove Himself (Mark 8:11-12). He had just arrived from the other side of the Sea of Galilee where He had miraculously fed 4,000 people with some fish and a few loaves of bread (Mark 8:1-10). But that miracle (along with many others) wasn’t enough proof for the religious elite. They demanded more, but Jesus knew there was no point in doing more. Their hearts and minds were far from Him.

A less-grounded person might have buckled under the pressure and given in to their demands, but not Jesus. He refused to enter into a needless debate. Only a well-grounded person could pull that off.

In order for us to stay grounded, Eldredge suggests the following: “Cut the insane busyness. Do not live for tweets, texts, Facebook, or email. Unplug the TV. Read Christian writers. . . . Practice solitude and silence (5 minutes a day will rescue you). . . . Get back in the Scriptures.”

Intentionally centering ourselves in Jesus’ truth and grace is the best place to begin. It may not change our circumstances, but abiding in Him will help us honor His ways and keep us grounded.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Job 42:1-17