Month: June 2012

when love came to town

I have a friend whose tastes in music are as broad as it gets. Knowing that it could be anything from punk to classical, I once asked him about a song he was listening to on his iPod. Judging by the way he was swaying back and forth, I knew the song was speaking to his soul.

On this particular…

the last lap

I've had an obsession with maple trees recently. Maybe because it’s Autumn here in Perth. It’s that special time of the year when the leaves turn bright red, and the wonderful thing about it is that the leaves shine brighter than the flowers (if there are any!).

Hebrews 12:1-3 are the verses that come to mind when I look at this…

sin's receipt

I was walking through a museum exhibit about the American Civil War when I came across a chilling item. It was a receipt, like what you might get from a shop. But this was for a slave named Sally, who had been received in good health from a slave trader. We’re horrified by the buying and selling of human beings,…

faith in a box

Having purchased fire-escape ladders for our two-story home, we decided to take them out of the box and practice using them before the onset of an emergency.

So on a hot summer day our family climbed out of our upstairs windows one at a time. Comical for anyone to watch, the tone of events changed when our daughter felt the…

special father's day wishes

1. The greatest person, dad may not be, but, you are the greatest dad to me. BLESSED FATHER’S DAY!

2. There are many ways to perceive things,but, sometimes dad’s the way to do things. BLESSED DAD’S DAY!

3. Thanks to God’s powerful anointing which makes you much more than able, DAD is really Dedicated, Admirable and Dependable. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!…

the Spirit of truth

"May the force be with you.” Those familiar with the Star Wars film saga recognize this famous phrase, given out as a blessing to those embarking on a critical or dangerous mission. The force, as presented in the series, is an impersonal metaphysical characteristic that empowers individuals to undertake and complete their tasks.

“The Holy Spirit will be with you,”…

fallen star


Doesn’t this leaf look like a star that fell face-flat. :)

I saw a post saying, "I will worship while I am waiting." I want to change that to I will worship while waiting . . . and falling.

This picture is one my favorite pics taken this year (at least up till now). It's a simple yet heartfelt picture.…

what should i do?

One of my favorite books on writing is Writing for the Soul by Jerry Jenkins. In his book Jerry gives some excellent advice for Christian writers. For example, “We can’t write for other people’s souls unless ours are healthy.” Or how about this gem: “No writer ever arrives.” Jerry also advises, “Allow yourself to be moved, and write what moves you.”…

you choose Q: what does it mean to keep the sabbath day holy?

Q: What does it mean to keep the sabbath day holy or observing the sabbath?  Besides going to church does it mean that I cannot eat out in a restaurant on sabbath hence causing one to break the sabbath? Can I not give my dog a bath on that day?  —Kit

A: To truly observe the sabbath would require you to do…

8d dad

What great joy to have a father

to honor, uphold, and treasure

before he leaves us forever

and we mourn him beyond measure.

1st D : Dedicated

Dad’s dedication,

to resilient fatherhood

is without question,

always for the greater good.

2nd D : Disciplined

By using a bit more discipline,

dad has succeeded in bringing me thus far;

by using a lot more discipline,

he and I shine brighter than the brightest star.


June 25, 2012

Brother Lawrence wrote, “I cannot imagine how religious persons can live satisfied without the practice of the presence of God. For my part I keep myself retired with Him in the depth of centre of my soul as much as I can.” What does this mean to you?

a little is too much

There’s something so tempting about the antisocial delicacy of gossip. We enjoy it, even when it makes us feel guilty and ashamed. According to researchers, however, we don’t have to feel ashamed anymore because a little gossip is healthy. The researchers believe gossip is what keeps the culture going, greasing the social machine. “It’s a social skill, not a character…

ordinary courage

Last year, when news of the Oslo bombing broke, a friend phoned Kasper Ilaug and told him that people needed help at Utoya Island, 15 minutes away. Grabbing gear and jumping into his boat, Kasper sped to Utoya and found mayhem. A shooter had begun to fire upon teenage campers and their leaders. Kasper pulled to the shore and loaded…

an inward look

A disgruntled client once told me that he didn’t see a need for a Christian to go to counseling. He went on to add, “Self reflection and self awareness is a waste of time. Our lives would straighten out if we would just do what the Bible tells us to do.”

There is no doubt our lives would improve by…

fit for a king?

Singapore is a democratic state. It was a British colony for 150 years and had a string of kings and queens during that time period. But now democracy rules the day!

In 1 Samuel 8 we find the people of Israel demanding a king (see also 1 Samuel 10:17-19, 12:6-18).

Why did they want a royal ruler? At first glance…

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