Month: April 2012

April 30, 2012

What helpful things were said to you or done for you during a time you were experiencing grief? What were some unhelpful things?

fair wages

That’s not fair. Why did she get a raise and I didn’t? I do just as much work as she does!” “Why was he chosen to lead the project when I’ve been here longer?”

I should get what I deserve is a work ethic that many of us live by. So we easily identify with the first-called workers in the parable…


With power outages, blown debris, and downed trees, recent storms left their mark around our town. While certainly not the devastation experienced by those enduring more significant and destructive displays of nature’s power, it was a mild reminder of man’s limited power. On our way to church the next day, my son asked why the thinner and smaller trees seemed…

word of God speak

Last year, as I was driving to church on a Sunday morning, I was in a deep funk. For many reasons, I was experiencing an emotional and spiritual valley. I prayed, trying to tell God where I was emotionally and spiritually, but the words didn’t come easy.

As I struggled, the song “Word of God Speak” by the group Mercy…

what if the resurrection is true?

Watch "What if the resurrection is true?" here.

these are our children

Today, as we were being briefed about all the work Compassion is doing in Kenya and other parts of the world, I realized for the first time that I was part of something much bigger than I had anticipated. God is using Compassion International in some incredible ways to change the spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental trajectory of children around…

sin less

I don’t know how easy it for us to truly say, “my sins are forgiven.” I know it took me a very long while, and even now I am still learning. Every single time I sin, I tell myself that I am not worth God’s love and forgiveness, but at the same time I'm reminded not to let Satan use…

the stories we tell

I’m often disappointed with kids’ Bible story books. They usually paint a sugary picture that presents the Bible as a very safe and manageable book. Often, you get a collection of pithy moralisms that you could get just as well (better, perhaps) from Aesop’s Fables.

With this posture, the Bible’s truths have lost their scandal; they don’t require a cross or…

green letters

“Is God green? Did Jesus have anything to say about the environment? What is my role as a Christian in caring for the earth?” These questions caught my attention as I thumbed through the introductory pages of The Green Bible. Just as many versions of the Bible highlight Jesus’ words in red, this version features verses about the elements of creation in…

blurry vision

For twenty years I dealt with bad eyesight that worsened a little each year. Then, a few years ago, I was so blessed to be able to undergo lasik eye surgery. I still remember the first time I went swimming after the surgery! I could see underwater! It was incredible.

Since the surgery I have been able to see clearly what…

learn from history

According to federal education officials, US students are less proficient in their nation’s history than in any other subject. The test revealed that most fourth-graders were unable to say why well-known president Abraham Lincoln was an important figure, and few high school seniors were able to identify China as the North Korean ally that fought US troops in the Korean…


—copy and design submitted by Terry and Pat Lampel, US

return of the King

Harold Camping received a lot of attention for declaring that Judgment Day would begin around dinnertime on May 21, 2011. Few people believed him—even his receptionist admitted that “no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen” (Matthew 24:36). The secular world had much fun at Camping’s expense, planning apocalyptic survival parties and playing R.E.M.’s rock song…

you choose Q: God hates divorce, but when is enough, enough?

Q: I know God hates divorce. Yet I have to wonder when is enough, enough. I have been married for 15 years to a non-Christian. At present, there is no communication, no relationship in any sense. It is like two strangers living in the same house. It seems he lives to put me down, degrade me, and be rude. I…

April 23, 2012

What verse from Proverbs has proven to be a powerful word of wisdom for your life? Why?

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