Tag  |  solitude

Saving Solitude

Several years ago I read about people who paid $2,500 per night at specific hotels in order to be disconnected from the Internet, their cell phones, and all other types of technology that pierce the silence. They were willing to pay a lot of money to obtain what they hoped would be some peace of mind—even if it was temporary. They were willing to pay a hefty price for some silence and solitude.

August 18, 2014

How important is silence and solitude in your life? How do you practice them?

staying grounded

Best-selling author John Eldredge recently wrote a book about Jesus titled Beautiful Outlaw. One of the things that struck Eldredge as he researched and wrote his new work was noting how grounded Jesus was as a person.

Eldredge wrote that Jesus had the “ability to navigate praise, then hatred, false flattery, then adoring crowds, vicious slander, and then people who simply…

word of God speak

Last year, as I was driving to church on a Sunday morning, I was in a deep funk. For many reasons, I was experiencing an emotional and spiritual valley. I prayed, trying to tell God where I was emotionally and spiritually, but the words didn’t come easy.

As I struggled, the song “Word of God Speak” by the group Mercy…

get real

Slate magazine’s William Saletan indicts our culture stating: “Every time you answer your cell phone in traffic, squander your workday on YouTube, text a colleague during dinner, or turn on the TV to escape your kids, you’re leaving this world. You’re neglecting the people around you, sometimes at the risk of killing them.”

Wow! And he didn’t even mention the addictive…

struggle to surrender

Recently, I found myself chuckling over a radio commercial for car stereos. A couple of men joked about two things you don’t want to do on your own. The first was to perform surgery on yourself: “Hmmm . . . I think I’ll take out my appendix this weekend.” That’s definitely not a good idea. The second was attempting to…

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