Someone close to me (and to those I love) recently made some poor decisions that affected us all, and what followed wasn’t pretty. Pain. Grief. Suffering. Those words capture the essence of the bitter sting brought by foolish choices.

You’ve been there. We all have. Broken and strained relationships can haunt our days with all the ragged emotions and troubled thoughts that they foster.

Fortunately, Jesus provides some words of instruction that can help us deal with this prickly issue. Let’s follow along as He takes us from heartache to potential hope and healing:

1. Believers in Jesus will be tempted and will sin against us (Luke 17:1). Although it is never pleasant or desired, our friends and family will sin against us and fail us in this life.

2. We must lovingly confront the person who has sinned against us (Luke 17:3). It’s not loving to ignore the offense and simmer in our anger or to return the person’s attacks with a volley of our own. We must show the radical love of Jesus as we address the offense with the offender.

3. If the person genuinely repents, we must forgive him (Luke 17:3-4). True forgiveness can only be extended if the person who has sinned against us repents. In his book Jesus and the Gospels, theologian Craig Blomberg writes that this means individuals must “change their behavior rather than just apologize.” That’s real repentance.

But what should you do when the person who has sinned against you refuses to repent? Jesus gives us a single word to take to heart: obey (Luke 17:10). As we continue to deal with those who sin against us, we can turn the person over to God and simply obey and follow His Word.

We can’t stop someone from making poor and foolish choices, but we can make godly choices in what follows.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Mark 2:23–3:19