Tag  |  apology

what kind of sorrow?

In the wake of numerous public confessions by fallen politicians, sports figures, and business executives, Paul Wilkes references Susan Wise Bauer’s helpful distinction: “An apology is an expression of regret: I am sorry. A confession is an admission of fault: I am sorry because I did wrong. I sinned.” Wilkes goes on: “Apology addresses an audience. Confession implies an inner change . . . that will be manifested in outward action.”

what follows...

Someone close to me (and to those I love) recently made some poor decisions that affected us all, and what followed wasn’t pretty. Pain. Grief. Suffering. Those words capture the essence of the bitter sting brought by foolish choices.

You’ve been there. We all have. Broken and strained relationships can haunt our days with all the ragged emotions and troubled…

shockingly honest

What seemed like an ordinary day in church soon became extraordinary. The minister merely asked one of his elders to lead in prayer. But the man stood and said, “I’m sorry, Pastor. I’ve been arguing with my wife all the way to church, and I am in no condition to pray.” Then he sat down.

After one of those l-o-o-o-n-n-g…

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