The King’s Speech depicts the surprising rise to power of Prince Albert, who became King George VI of England when his brother Edward abdicated the throne to marry an American divorcée. Albert didn’t want to be king, in part because his severe stuttering often embarrassed him when he spoke to groups. And this would prove important, for Albert had the misfortune of being king during Hitler’s bombing of London. If ever England needed strong leadership, it was then.

Eventually, Albert overcame his speech impediment and rallied his people to withstand Germany’s blitzkrieg. Although Albert was ultimately successful, his tenuous reign illustrates the burden of leadership. Whoever’s in charge is responsible.

We applaud Albert for his service to Great Britain. It’s good to rise to the occasion and provide leadership when needed, but leadership can sometimes be an unnecessary burden that we take on ourselves. Even if you’re called to lead your group or team, you can always enjoy the true freedom of being a follower of Jesus. It’s a relief to know that He is Lord of your life (Revelation 19:3-4). And if He’s Lord, then you don’t have to be (Revelation 19:5).

The only burden worse than being lord of your life is the frustration of pretending to be in charge. Have you ever had a job that demanded accountability but gave you no real authority? You were held responsible for sales or performance that you were powerless to change. In time you quit.

So why don’t we quit pretending that we are lord? Why would we even want that responsibility? Let’s submit to Jesus, who possesses “all authority in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18; Revelation 19:15-16). Do what He says, and if for some reason it doesn’t work out the way you expected, you can trust where He leads.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Esther 6:1–7:10