Month: December 2009


Every day, according to one survey, Americans buy an average of 3,972,603 movie tickets; 1,683,835 songs and albums from online resources; 1,650,000 DVD rentals from Netflix; 978,030 bags of Orville Redenbacher’s Gourmet popcorn; 568,764 Titleist golf balls; 443,650 large fries at Burger King; 160,968 bottles of Absolut Vodka; 7,500 Samsung LCD TVs; and 60 Ford Mustangs on eBay. It’s clear…

the way of rest

Train stations in Japan often list stops in both Kanji and English. This one did not. The longer I stared at the sign, the more it mocked me.

Finally, I asked the woman standing next to me: “Do you speak English?” “A little,” she said. She understood where I wanted to go and motioned for me to follow her. We…

beauty tips

Not long ago, we had a discussion in our office regarding what you should eat based on your blood type. Suddenly, our lunchtime conversations were seasoned with questions like: “If I’m B positive, should I eat chicken or fish?” The health “gurus” who are promoting eating based on blood type claim it can keep you fit and make you look…

December 28, 2009

What's one faith-building thing you plan to do in the New Year? Why?

work of art

Michelangelo had begun what he figured to be his crowning achievement—chiseling marble statues for the tomb of Pope Julius II—when the pope pulled him away for a menial task unworthy of the artist’s great skill. Michelangelo protested that many lesser painters could repair the plaster ceiling of the pope’s chapel, and he fled Rome in a futile attempt to avoid…

game over

Some Japanese girls are all ga-ga for boyfriends who don’t really exist. An online dating simulation game called “Webkare” allows girls to choose a virtual guy to pursue online. They work with other players and read a series of conversations to woo their online love until he finally returns their affection.

While romantic online games can be harmless, many of us…

tools of the trade

In his book Play Ball, former Major League Baseball All-Star Dave Dravecky says some athletes are known around the league as “complete packages” or “franchise players.” Former MLB Manager Leo “The Lip” Durocher said, “These are the athletes coaches look for, the ones that have exceptional abilities to run, catch, throw, hit for distance, and hit for average.”

Dravecky draws…

what's in a name?

Babies may be small, but preparing and caring for one requires some big things: Fixing up his or her room. Buying a crib, baby clothes, and toys. And one biggie is deciding what to name the little bundle of joy. This is not always an easy task, for most parents want to select names that both sound good and possess…

this Christmas child

Watch Him. Watch Him. Watch this Child, who grows into a boy, who grows into a man and is found to be so much more.

Watch as He is born—among shepherds and angels and bright lights in the sky. Watch as He grows in favor and stature—as a youngster asking questions, giving answers, astounding teachers. Watch Him in the desert—a…

loss and found

It’s likely that several people you know have been laid off this year. Recently I learned that another good friend had lost his job. This would be bad news for anyone, but it was especially brutal for my friend because his wife’s position had been eliminated just a month before!

King David knew what it felt like to lose his…


In the Philippines, the door is always open at mealtime. Even if you’re a stranger, a Filipino will insist that you stay and eat your fill. If he does not have enough, your host will give you his portion. Relationships are valued above one’s own comfort and well-being.

When God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, He emphasized hospitality and…

December 21, 2009

What gifts will you give to God this Christmas?


With a work deadline looming, it was hard to find time to write my Our Daily Journey articles this month. I was strongly tempted to put on a “Do-Not-Disturb-Me” demeanor at work. For even though I tried to protect some time to think and write, it never happened. I was bombarded by e-mails that required immediate attention, or the immediate need…

acceptable sins

Recently, I read the story of a husband and wife who walked out of a movie theater partway through the film Milk. Both were disgusted after seeing actor Sean Penn, portraying former homosexual politician Harvey Milk, kiss another man. So they approached the box office attendant and demanded a refund. The attendant suggested they swap their tickets for a film…

theology of the small

Even though the Super Bowl reigns as the largest US sporting spectacle, the television ads that run during the game have begun to receive almost as much attention as the game itself. Firms spend millions to produce them. This past year, however, brothers Joe and Dave Herbert shocked the marketing industry by producing the Super Bowl’s highest-rated ad for just…

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