Not long ago, we had a discussion in our office regarding what you should eat based on your blood type. Suddenly, our lunchtime conversations were seasoned with questions like: “If I’m B positive, should I eat chicken or fish?” The health “gurus” who are promoting eating based on blood type claim it can keep you fit and make you look good too.

We all desire to look good and are drawn to beauty. Proverbs 31 offers some excellent beauty tips that we—male and female—all need to read. The verses summarize much of the wisdom found in the entire book of Proverbs. They present the true beauty of a wise woman who fears the Lord.

Here are five of her characteristics:

Trustworthy (vv.11-12). She can be trusted to do good and to not harm others.

• Shrewd or wise (vv.13-18). She thinks through her projects and manages her time and resources wisely. This leads her to successfully complete them.

Generous (vv.19-20). She gives to the poor and needy—not apathetic.

Diligent (vv.21-25). She makes sure that all the bases are covered for her family. A smile is on her face and joy is in her heart because she has done her best to provide.

Speaks wisely and kindly (v.26). She talks the talk and walks the walk!

By looking at this woman’s characteristics, we see that a person’s true beauty springs from the soul. Her kindness, loving care, and passion all flow from her relationship with God (v.30). Let’s follow her example and clothe ourselves with “the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God” (1 Peter 3:4).