Babies may be small, but preparing and caring for one requires some big things: Fixing up his or her room. Buying a crib, baby clothes, and toys. And one biggie is deciding what to name the little bundle of joy. This is not always an easy task, for most parents want to select names that both sound good and possess special meaning. Joseph and Mary, however, didn’t have to sweat choosing the name that was just right for their first son. Joseph was supernaturally given the perfect choice: “Jesus” (Matthew 1:21).

Two names, in fact, were given to the baby: “Jesus” and “Immanuel” (v.23). Someone once said that “Jesus” describes His purpose—what He came to do; and “Immanuel” describes His nature—who He really is. Let’s take a closer look at the name Jesus.

Jesus, the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua, means “Jehovah is salvation” or “The Lord saves.” Jesus was born so that He could die to save us from our sins (v.21).

When asked, “What is the meaning of Christmas?” a young woman shopping for Christmas presents sheepishly responded, “I don’t know. Is that the day Jesus died?” She couldn’t have been more wrong and right! That precious little body, fashioned by the Holy Spirit in Mary’s womb (vv.18,21), would one day be “flogged with a lead-tipped whip,” exposing raw flesh and blood (Matthew 27:26). The head of that beautiful infant would one day have a crown of thorns thrust onto it (v.29). Those adorable feet would one day walk up the dusty road leading to Golgotha (vv.31-33). Those tiny hands would be pierced one day by nails driven into a cross (Matthew 27:35).

Jesus saves. What a beautiful name!