Every day, according to one survey, Americans buy an average of 3,972,603 movie tickets; 1,683,835 songs and albums from online resources; 1,650,000 DVD rentals from Netflix; 978,030 bags of Orville Redenbacher’s Gourmet popcorn; 568,764 Titleist golf balls; 443,650 large fries at Burger King; 160,968 bottles of Absolut Vodka; 7,500 Samsung LCD TVs; and 60 Ford Mustangs on eBay. It’s clear from this incomplete list that many consumers are spending money on things that have temporary stamped on them. Jesus, however, says that we should use our resources to acquire things that have eternity written all over them.

In Matthew 6, He identifies two types of treasures. The first are the ones accumulated on earth. These treasures are vulnerable to all kinds of decay and theft. They are the goods that we should not be going for. The alternative is treasures in heaven. Now Jesus was not saying we can buy our way into heaven. He was simply calling us to simplify our lives and leverage our time and resources for the sake of people in need (Matthew 19:21; 1 Timothy 6:17-19). When we, with pure motives (Matthew 6:1-4), give up our lives and resources for the marginalized, we’re “storing up” treasures in heaven.

How can we determine where our treasure is and where our hearts are? I believe the following questions can help us: What occupies my thoughts and daydreams? What do I fret about the most? Apart from my immediate family, who or what do I most dread losing? What criteria do I use to evaluate others? What would make me most unhappy to be without?

Let’s prayerfully consider the resources we’re using and pursuing, making sure that our stuff is being used to bless others and glorify God.