Over the last several weeks I’ve been dying—dying to me. My wife left her part-time teaching job at the community college to teach full-time at one of the local high schools. I was excited for her new opportunity and didn’t mind making some sacrifices for her success. But I hadn’t realized that sometimes she would have to leave early, stay late, and burn the midnight oil to write lesson plans and record grades. Her new schedule means I have to wake up the kids earlier, make breakfast, fix and pack lunches, drive them to and from school, and flex my schedule in cases of emergency.

I wonder if this is what Paul had in mind when he penned Ephesians 5:25. He commands husbands to model their behavior on the way Christ loved the church and demonstrated His love by dying on the cross. Such divine love goes far beyond sexual love or even love for friends. That kind of love leads to personal sacrifice for the one who is loved.

Christ sacrificed Himself for the church so that she could become pure and holy (vv.25-26). Husbands are to love their wives and treat them with the same care that they would their own bodies (v.28). Christ feeds and cares for His church because we are members of His body, and a husband is to show the same care for his wife (v.29).

The role of the husband in marriage can be fully understood in light of what Christ did and does for His bride, the church. We shouldn’t look to culture to understand our relationship and role in marriage, but to Christ’s example.

This example may mean that we have to die to our selfish ambition, our plans, and our schedules in order to demonstrate sacrificial love and care for our spouses. Join me in “dying to me”!