Tag  |  self-sacrifice

True Fellowship

The word fellowship conjures up some rather strange associations in my mind. When I hear it spoken, I immediately think of coffee and donuts, along with the basement meeting spaces in churches where those coffee and donuts are served. Most strangely, I also think about the 2001 movie The Fellowship of the Ring. So somehow my concept of Christian community has become inextricably tied to a tale of men, dwarves, and elves dealing with “one ring to rule them all.”

not being a “kidult”

In 2005, two teenagers started TheRebelution.com website to encourage fellow young people to exceed low expectations and to do “hard things.” Citing 1 Timothy 4:12, one of its founders said, “As young people we are called to be exemplary in all areas of life. [But] our generation is falling incredibly short of that calling. Instead of serving as the launching pad of life, the teen years are seen as a vacation from responsibility.”

dying to me

Over the last several weeks I’ve been dying—dying to me. My wife left her part-time teaching job at the community college to teach full-time at one of the local high schools. I was excited for her new opportunity and didn’t mind making some sacrifices for her success. But I hadn’t realized that sometimes she would have to leave early, stay…

transformers: revenge of the fallen - movie review

This big-budget sequel to the first Transformers movie has all the ingredients of a summer blockbuster. It has fast-paced action, lots of special effects, and a couple of kids trying to save the world. Steven Spielberg's fingerprints are all over it. It has everything you would want, except, perhaps for a compelling story or a satisfying conclusion (it leaves the door…

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