Tag  |  husbands

till death

Part of the joy of being a pastor is walking alongside of couples as they step into marriage. Few experiences touch the soul more than the wonder and joy (and fear) of embracing life with another person.

At the center of the wedding ceremony is the moment when each person turns to the other and states a vow— a promise…

orderly arrangement

A group of children were asked, “How can a wife submit to her husband?” An 8-year-old named Mary said, “My mom could mow the yard, feed the dogs, work in the garden, and help us with our homework instead of making my dad do it. She could also make food for special occasions, go grocery shopping, take us to doctors’…

dying to me

Over the last several weeks I’ve been dying—dying to me. My wife left her part-time teaching job at the community college to teach full-time at one of the local high schools. I was excited for her new opportunity and didn’t mind making some sacrifices for her success. But I hadn’t realized that sometimes she would have to leave early, stay…

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