This big-budget sequel to the first Transformers movie has all the ingredients of a summer blockbuster. It has fast-paced action, lots of special effects, and a couple of kids trying to save the world. Steven Spielberg’s fingerprints are all over it. It has everything you would want, except, perhaps for a compelling story or a satisfying conclusion (it leaves the door open for a 3rd installment in the franchise).

Perhaps the strength of the movie is in the special effects. Many times, you watch a film and say, “Where did the $150 million go?” Not here. All the money is on the screen in special effects that are top-notch and believable.

The primary downside of the movie is the constant barrage of crude humor and sexual language that felt gratuitous. These negative elements had nothing to do with the story, and were unnecessary. In fact, it’s important to note that, though based on kids’ toys, this is definitely not a children’s movie—not only because of the intensity of the action, but also because of the amount of crudeness.

In terms of lessons and application, the story speaks to the important issue of the meaning of life. Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) wants to live for himself, go to college, and enjoy being young—but fate and circumstances force him to choose between living primarily for self, or sacrificing for the good of others. His decision to sacrifice himself on several occasions becomes integral to the story line.

This presents believers in Jesus with a powerful reminder of the choices we face each day. What do we live for? As the apostle Paul wrote, “For we don’t live for ouselves or die for ourselves. If we live, it’s to honor the Lord. And if we die, it’s to honor the Lord. So whether we love or die, we belong to the Lord” (Romans 14:7-8). We are called to live for others and for Jesus—even if that means self-sacrifice.