Tag  |  job loss

you choose Q: how do I deal with job loss?

Q: There are many people who are looking for a job and are frustrated with the way our economy has changed in the past few years. What is some Bible-based advice for these situations?  —Gerald

A: Many people are struggling to make sense of today’s transitional work world. Any time there is a change in an organization—new leadership, merger, acquisition, downturn…

you choose Q: how can Christians cope with life when they're unemployed?

Q: When unemployed how do we as Christians cope with life?  —Dorothy

A: Being unemployed can be a very stressful and highly emotional time of life. When you’ve out of work for a period of time, the rejections from potential employers can sap your morale and cause you to lose confidence—wreaking havoc on your self-esteem and self-worth. You can even experience…

long commute

Michael Hanley traded an 8-minute commute to work for an 8-hour one. When his autoworker job in Wisconsin was phased out, he stayed with the company and took the only position available—in Kansas. His weekly round-trip commute is now more than 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles). He’s gone from his family each workweek, seeing them only on the weekends. But he chose…

too proud to receive

Shaina attends a service for 20-somethings at her church. The group is small but growing, and they’re starting to reach out in innovative ways to their community.

In the past year, nearly 30 people in the church have lost their jobs. So her group decided to get donations of food from individuals and businesses. They were amazed at the generosity.…

loss and found

It’s likely that several people you know have been laid off this year. Recently I learned that another good friend had lost his job. This would be bad news for anyone, but it was especially brutal for my friend because his wife’s position had been eliminated just a month before!

King David knew what it felt like to lose his…

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