Q: When unemployed how do we as Christians cope with life?  —Dorothy

A: Being unemployed can be a very stressful and highly emotional time of life. When you’ve out of work for a period of time, the rejections from potential employers can sap your morale and cause you to lose confidence—wreaking havoc on your self-esteem and self-worth. You can even experience some of the same emotions and stages of grieving as a person who has experienced the death of a loved one or some other major life loss.

During this time, it’s vital that you make some necessary adjustments—such as adjusting your budget as you take into consideration the loss of income and establishing a new routine for making meaningful use of your free time. Anger, bitterness, denial, disappointment, boredom, frustration, worry, anxiety, stress, and fear are some of the emotions you might experience. But this can also be an amazing time of growth in your faith as you depend on God in new and fresh ways. Seeking Him and feeding on His Word daily can provide comfort and encouragement (Romans 15:13; Philippians 4:19). Also, spending time with mature, joyful believers in Jesus can lighten your load and give you a better perspective of who you are in Christ—employed or not!

To help you cope with unemployment, check out this online booklet: Now What? A Healing Journey Through Job Loss. —K.T. Sim

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