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Loving Correction

In an interview on a popular website, an author was asked about her divorce and remarriage. The divorce had devastated her and her ex-husband, she said. She had believed marriage was a lifelong commitment and still did, and she had sought pastoral guidance as to whether remarriage to her new husband was right. I finished the article and scrolled down to the comments section.


I was talking with a friend whose marriage had ended in divorce. For years he tried to apologize and to rebuild a relationship that was broken. His wife, however, was bitter over an event that she couldn’t forgive—or forget. The event involved a loving act he had done to help her, but she didn’t see it that way. And her heart became stone.


She said to him, “I don’t want to try to fix our marriage. It’s over.” What had started with such high hopes and evident love was now a cold, lifeless thing. My friend desired to see renewal and restoration in their relationship, but his wife made it clear that the two of them had changed and that their marriage would soon end.

sexual freedom

Nearly half of the children born in my country are born to unwed mothers. One million more are aborted each year. Teenagers can purchase over-the-counter “morning after” pills. Our Supreme Court has ruled that men may marry men and women may marry women, and anyone who says otherwise is injuring them. Few people think they should wait for marriage to have sex, and many who do marry still end up divorcing their spouse.

you choose Q: is it sinful to live together after a divorce?

Q: If a man and wife divorce and decide to live together after the divorce, is that still sinful?  —Jeannette

A: The question of whether it is sinful in some abstract way for a man and woman to live together outside the bounds of marriage isn’t the main issue.

Marriage is a public covenant that binds a man and woman together…

you choose Q: what about divorce and remarriage?

Q: I’m married to a divorced man. He and his ex wife divorced because she did not beleive that there is a hell. They basically were not of the same accord spiritually. I'm just finding out I may be living in adultery. What do I do now? If I divorce him I'm sinning, and if I stay am I in…

grow up

A couple in their late 50s recently decided to divorce, but they both refused to move out of their home. To resolve the impasse, a judge ordered that they halve the urban complex. This included the building of a wall to divide the living room on the first floor and sealing of the door that splits the living space on the second. The husband had construction workers build a spiral staircase, allowing him to get more easily from his living room to his dining room. He’s also made his ex-wife’s life a nightmare by yelling and banging on the walls. They each vow to stay in the house until the other moves out.

January 21, 2013

Recent  research reveals that divorce has had a profound effect on children and their lack of interest in attending church and seeking God. Why do you feel this is the case?

good men

The opening line of the 1984 song “Holding Out for a Hero” asks, “Where have all the good men gone?” That’s a fair question in a world that has seen more than its share of passive or violent males.

sacred flames

In November 2011, Mike and Nancy Rogers were married as the lodge in which they were supposed to be wed burned to the ground behind them. The blaze destroyed the beautiful building—including a kitchen, conference center, pool, and guesthouses—as the wedding party retreated to another building for the ceremony. The wedding gifts and flowers were destroyed, but Nancy said, “We lost all that stuff, but that’s not important to us. We got the most important things.”

you choose Q: marrying a divorced man. is it a sin?

Q: Marrying a divorced man. Is it a sin?  —Lucy

A: God intended marriage to be a lifelong union between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24; Malachi 2:14-16; Mark 10:6-9). The marriage bond is to be broken only by death (Romans 7:2; 1 Corinthians 3:9).

Because of “the hardness of man’s heart,” however, Moses allowed divorce and remarriage (Deuteronomy 24:1-4;…

beyond the standards

In 1957, a remarkable story written by Colonel William Draper appeared in Look magazine. The article was published under the title: “I Fly the President.” Colonel Draper said that worry was his business and US President Eisenhower’s safety was his reward. To achieve that safety, 33 specialists were responsible for the Columbine III aircraft prior to, during, and after a flight.…

you choose Q: God hates divorce, but when is enough, enough?

Q: I know God hates divorce. Yet I have to wonder when is enough, enough. I have been married for 15 years to a non-Christian. At present, there is no communication, no relationship in any sense. It is like two strangers living in the same house. It seems he lives to put me down, degrade me, and be rude. I…


My friend is enduring a brutal divorce. His wife has been unfaithful, and now she’s attacking his character and draining their savings as their case lumbers through the courts. Every kind gesture is thrown back in his face, either with curses or as a way to wrangle more from the divorce settlement.

And yet something strange—something supernatural—is going on within…


In Adopted for Life, Russell Moore describes how he and his wife adopted two boys from an orphanage in another country. He states that the saddest part of the process was the eerie silence that enveloped his children's orphanage. There were rows and rows of cribs but the only sound he heard was children sucking their thumbs and gently rocking themselves…

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