Q: I’m married to a divorced man. He and his ex wife divorced because she did not beleive that there is a hell. They basically were not of the same accord spiritually. I’m just finding out I may be living in adultery. What do I do now? If I divorce him I’m sinning, and if I stay am I in adultery?  —Amelia

A: It’s obvious that you feel confused and caught in a bind. I can’t fully resolve this dilemma for you, but I’m fairly certain that the solution to your situation is not to divorce your current husband.

You may be wondering if you’re living in adultery with your husband because you’ve heard that divorce is only justifiable in cases of adultery or desertion by an unbeliever. There are many Christians who hold to this teaching, but not all believers agree with this position.

Jesus made it clear to a group of men—who were trying to trip Him up over the divorce issue—that God’s ideal is for marriage to last a lifetime (Matthew 19:4-6). And while divorce is often wrong and should be considered only a last resort, Jesus went on to explain that God recognized that divorce can be necessary because the hearts of people can become calloused and hard (Matthew 19:8). I believe that there are other expressions of hardheartedness besides adultery and desertion that can also be grounds for divorce.

As you continue to wrestle through this issue, you may find it helpful to note what Jesus said to the Samaritan woman who had been married to five different men. He didn’t in any way characterize her past marriages as adulterous. Instead, he referred to them as her “husbands,” recognizing each of her marriages as a legitimate union (John 4:16-18).

This online booklet contains some additional insights that should prove helpful for you: Divorce and Remarriage: What Does the Bible Teach?  —Jeff Olson

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