Crystal stares out the café window, wondering if life will ever improve. Five men, two kids, all by age 29. She’s lonely and wonders if man no. 6 will make things better.

Jesus walks through the café door and sits down at Crystal’s table. “I could really go for a coffee,” He says with a smile. “Uh, excuse me,” Crystal says, “do I know you?” “Not well,” Jesus says. Crystal gets up to leave. “Please stay,” Jesus says, “I’ll pay for the coffee.” “No thanks,” Crystal replies as she reluctantly sits down. She has nothing else to do. They sit silently for a few minutes.

“Maybe I will have another coffee,” Crystal says, reaching for her purse. “Need more caffeine, huh?” Jesus says. “Whatever gets you through the day. But the buzz always wear off, doesn’t it?” “So,” Crystal says, “is this what You do all day—sit and chat with women in coffee shops?” “Only the lonely ones,” Jesus replies. “What makes you think I’m lonely?” she asks. “Tell me about your husband.” “I don’t have a husband.”

“That’s right, Crystal,” Jesus says. “Five men, two kids, all by age 29.” “How do you know my name?” she says, astonished. “And how do you know about my life?” “Crystal, I’m offering you something greater than a caffeine buzz, or even the affections of man no. 6.” “What?” she says. “I’m offering you forgiveness.” “I don’t even know you,” Crystal says, “so why do I need your forgiveness? How can I hurt someone I’ve never known?”

“That’s right, Crystal. You’ve never known Me, the knower of your thoughts, the watcher of your deeds, the One who’s seen every silly, selfish, misguided decision you’ve ever made.”

Who are you?” she asks softly. “I’m the One, Crystal. The One you’re really looking for.”

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Matthew 15:32–16:12