It was news that deeply saddened me. My nephew’s wife, more than 2 months pregnant, found out that the baby within her womb was no longer living. I sent her and my nephew a message—expressing my grief and assuring them of my love. A few hours later, another niece gave birth to a healthy baby girl. I sent them a message—expressing my happiness and assuring them of my love. What a night of rollercoaster emotions!

In Romans 12 the apostle Paul told his readers to “be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15). The expression of those genuine emotions is not only appropriate; it reflects the very heart of God. It reveals His gift of love to others.

Beginning in the 12th chapter of Romans and extending through chapter 15, Paul gives specific instructions for the way believers in Jesus should think and act. He plainly states that salvation isn’t simply about being forgiven of our sins; it’s about being transformed inside and out. When he wrote, “Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them” (Romans 12:9), he declared that our love for others must be “genuine” (Romans 12:10)—reflecting what we’ve received from Jesus.

Today you’ll encounter people dealing with a specific slice of life. Some will be having mountaintop experiences, while others will sport the swollen eyes of a person going through a dark valley. “Be ready to help them” (Romans 12:13), Paul wrote. In other words meet them where they are—not where you are.

Real expressions of love, whether heartfelt laments or tears of joy, show others that you’re genuinely interested in them. It shows that you truly care.

God meets and loves us right where we are. Let’s imitate Him as we share our love with others.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: John 1:35-51