Month: July 2012


I’ve figured out that secondary school boys are part of God’s plan to increase patience in my life. In my job I go from one extreme of teaching sixth form students to the corridors of insanity in teaching year 8 English. I enjoy most of my students, but there’s something unmistakably stretching about working with young men who totter uncertainly…

July 30, 2012

Why is fellowship with other believers in Jesus such an important thing?

language of the heart

I’m more impressed by works than by words, which I often gloss over as nothing more than hot air. I’ve said, “Talk is cheap!” and “Don’t talk the talk if you won’t walk the walk.” According to the apostle James we’re right to value works over mere words. He reminds us that it does no good to tell a poor…

high-five choir

The High Five Choir is not your typical choir. Teens with developmental disabilities such as Autism, Down syndrome and Noonan syndrome have banded together and perform with a group of disability-free classmates. They don’t always sing in tune or move together in perfect unison. But the High Five Choir is so inspiring that they receive standing ovations during every performance.

Why does…

all the time in the world

Do you remember me?” A pause. Vacant eyes. My mother was speaking to Betty, a fellow churchgoer from years past, who now lived at a local nursing home. My mom tried again. “Do you remember my husband? He’s right here.” Betty responded with an excited “Yes,” followed by a look of confusion. As the two women talked, Betty’s mind faded…

earthly loss, heavenly gain

What is the most valuable thing in your life? Some would say family—a spouse, children or parent. Others would list career, education or material possessions. Those struggling with sickness would likely say that health tops the list. Jesus illustrated this same question with two tiny parables (Matthew 13:44-46).

He told of two people who stumbled upon treasures. In both tales…

let them come

I recently read of a restaurant owner who instituted a policy that wouldn’t have been well liked by Jesus. Instead of letting young children dine at his restaurant, he announced he was banning little ones under 6 years old from the upscale casual restaurant. He won’t allow the young customers because he feels they’re bad for business.

Like that restaurant…

the Lord's house

My local church finally moved into our own building. After more than 10 years of renting, our first meeting in the new building was a prayer gathering. The leaders of our congregation prayed that we would always be a people who seek God.

In 1 Kings 9 Solomon had finally completed the building of the magnificent temple. For 400 years…

blessings on the mourners

A man with whom I attended college committed suicide recently. He killed himself on the 3-year anniversary of the day his wife died. He left behind a video in which he told how heartbroken he had been and of the many ways he had attempted to assuage his sorrow. I’m sad for my friend. I’m sorry for his pain and…

July 23, 2012

One of God's most amazing attributes is His mercy. How has God shown you mercy? How has someone else shown you mercy? How have you been able to shown mercy to others?

no other god

In his fascinating book, Modes of Faith, Theodore Ziolkowski reviews the lives of 19th-century European writers who had lost faith in God. What Ziolkowski finds is this: While these authors had dismissed the God of the Bible, another ‘god’ had soon taken His place.

Ziolkowski found five “gods” to be most attractive to these men and their readers. Art was raised…

troubles and comfort

Several years ago when my follicular lymphoma (cancer) was first diagnosed, I participated in a cancer clinical trial. It included the best of the standard (protocol) chemo treatment along with a special agent—a monoclonal antibody called Rituxin.

Recently a friend who is also battling follicular lymphoma received Rituxin as part of her standard treatment. In some small way my clinical trial…


One of the young women in my Bible study group shared with me that an acquaintance of hers had just found out she was pregnant from a one night stand. The pregnant woman had scheduled an appointment for an imminent abortion. I had no qualms about immediately shortening our bible study to spend extra time in prayer. Explaining the need…


I opened up the e-mail and there it was. An invitation to step out of another comfort zone. An invitation to come speak at a church about the blanket ministry for the homeless I had started several years ago. I actually had spoken at this church last year and they wanted me to come back to give an update and…

give me the hill

I climbed 3 meters up the massive wooden pole and froze in fear. The platform was still 10 meters higher. From the ground, a small crowd was yelling encouragement. “You can do it!” they shouted. “I know I can,” I replied. “I’m just not sure I want to.”

But I knew I had to because two of the encouragers were Al and Thelma,…

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