Last year, Daniil Korotkikh, a 13-year-old Russian boy, was beachcombing on the Curonian Spit when he stumbled upon an old bottle poking out of the sand. He picked it up, uncorked it, and discovered a letter written 24 years earlier. Frank, a German boy on a ship to Denmark with his family, had written a letter including his address for return correspondence, sealed it up, and tossed the bottle into the icy ocean. Two and a half decades later, Daniil discovered it—and amazingly, he was able to contact Frank. They’re now friends.
The letter—those written words—was a treasure for Daniil. They connected him to another person and led him to friendship. We say the same is true of God’s Word to us, but often it doesn’t feel like a treasure. Perhaps we’re slow to admit it, but God’s Word often feels more like an obligation—a burden. We should read the Bible. We should incorporate the Bible’s truth. These admonitions often leave us tired, hollow, and guilt-laden.
We know that Scripture isn’t simply words on a page, but rather an encounter with a person—the person of Jesus Christ—present with us by the Spirit of God. Jesus is “the Word,” the One who embodies all that Scripture contains (John 1:1). This Word (Jesus) is the One who “gave life” and the One who brings “light to everyone” (John 1:4). This Word is the One who “shines in the darkness” (John 1:5).
In a world—and in a religious environment—filled with lots and lots of words, we have an invitation to encounter the Word—the Word that lives and loves and offers Himself to us. Will we listen? Will we hear? If so, we’ll discover true treasure and rich friendship.
NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Isaiah 6:1-13
Read (and pray) Psalm 119:9-16. What are the connections between God and His Word?
How would you describe your experience with Scripture? How does it inspire you to read the Bible more when you consider that Jesus is the Word?
tom felten on May 22, 2012 at 10:25 am
One thing that has helped me focus and have the right spirit of expectation as I dig into God’s Word each day is simply praying the following prayer, “Open my eyes that I might see the wonderful things You have for me!” It’s based on Psalm 119:18: “Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in Your instructions.”
winn collier on May 22, 2012 at 2:44 pm
I like it, Tom. It reminds me of one of my normal prayers:
Open our eyes, Lord, that we may see
Open our ears, Lord, that we may hear
Open our hearts and our minds, Lord, that we might understand – and turn to you. And live.
awilson on May 22, 2012 at 8:15 pm
I like your prayerful approach. We need to make a habit of preparing our hearts and minds before exploring God’s Word.
winn collier on May 22, 2012 at 8:20 pm
it’s like meeting a Father or a Friend. Exactly that, in fact.