“Is God green? Did Jesus have anything to say about the environment? What is my role as a Christian in caring for the earth?” These questions caught my attention as I thumbed through the introductory pages of The Green Bible. Just as many versions of the Bible highlight Jesus’ words in red, this version features verses about the elements of creation in green. Intrigued, I opened to Genesis. The entire first page, and much of the second, appeared in grass-colored ink.

As I read through some of the Bible’s other green passages, it occurred to me that as earthlings, we’re more like tenants than owners. “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it” (1 Corinthians 10:26), and yet, “[The Lord] has given the earth to all humanity” (Psalm 115:16). Since God is ultimately in charge of our cosmic address, we should take good care of His property.

God furnished the earth for some important purposes: to keep us alive and for our enjoyment. In an opening statement to humankind, He said: I’ve given you every plant and all the fruit trees for your food (Genesis 1:28-30). He fashioned an atmosphere that allows us to breathe (Genesis 1:6-8). He set the world in motion so that gravity would keep our feet on the ground.

Today, everyone agrees that the earth sustains human life. The problem is that some people make the mistake of “worship[ing] and serv[ing] the things God created instead of the Creator Himself” (Romans 1:25). The earth is not sacred. Our planet is temporary, and when it has served God’s purposes, He will throw back the curtains to reveal a new heaven and a fresh earth (Revelation 21:1).

Until then, we are to “govern” (Genesis 1:28) our globe, and to wisely use its resources. We should never be “seduced,” however, into worshiping any part of God’s creation (Deuteronomy 4:19).

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: 2 Kings 11:1-21