He stood in the doorway with a toothy grin and an evident social awkwardness. My friend, lying in his hospital bed after having endured major surgery, deftly shooed the visitor away with one-word answers and obvious disinterest. Tom (the visitor) was also a patient. His background and behavior were rough and unpolished. A local mission was his most recent address. In time, however, my friend warmed up and showed Tom some hospitality. But it wasn’t until later that it struck him: Tom might have been an angel. It humbled my friend to realize that he had nearly spurned what might have been a gift of comfort from God.

You never know who might show up in your doorway or for dinner. Abraham once saw the Lord and two angels heading toward his tent (Genesis 18:1-3). His immediate response? Sarah, it’s time to whip together your finest feast, for we have some VIPs that deserve a heaping portion of hospitality! (Genesis 18:5-8).

For Abraham, it became increasingly clear that he was entertaining angels (and the Lord). The aged patriarch was surprised to learn from the Lord that he would be a daddy—made possible by God’s divine power (Genesis 18:10,14).

Taking Abraham’s example of being hospitable and compassionate to the next level, Jesus said, “I was a stranger, and you invited Me into your home. . . . I was sick, and you cared for Me. I was in prison, and you visited Me” (Matthew 25:35-36). Driving it home, He proclaimed, “[What] you did . . . to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to Me!” (Matthew 25:40).

Remember, when you show kindness to that awkward person or give selflessly to those in need, you just might be entertaining angels—perhaps even the Lord Himself!

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Luke 12:1-21