Tag  |  angels

stairway to heaven

While traveling in Paris, my husband and I decided to enjoy the view atop the Arch of Triumph. Choosing adventure over ease, we elected to climb the 284 stairs to reach the sky-high destination instead of taking the elevator. A good part of the climb required us to step up ever-higher in what seemed like an endless spiral staircase. When we emerged at the apex, we relished the panoramic view of the city—a view made possible by our 162-foot ascent!

preparing the way

On July 21, 2013, media outlets worldwide held their collective breath as they waited for the birth of the child of Prince William and Kate Middleton. The baby was third in line to the British throne, and so when Prince George was born the next day there was hardly a newspaper or news program that didn’t herald the announcement front and center.

plastic soldiers and HVAs

Our two young boys wanted a nativity set, so we got a small one to place in their room. One night my wife went to tuck them in bed, only to find that Liam (age 5) had posted little plastic soldiers to guard the nativity. “They’re making sure baby Jesus is safe,” he announced.

God of the living

The Sadducees were more interested in politics than religion—accepting only the Pentateuch (the five books of Moses) as their Scripture. Being materialists in their thinking, they didn’t believe in angels, nor in the resurrection (Luke 20:27; Acts 23:8).

angels watching over me

Jacob was on the run from his brother. Frightened and alone, he walked as far as he could, then grabbed a rock for a pillow. Dreaming that God was standing on the top of a stairway, Jacob heard Him promise, “I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15). He saw angels ascending and descending the stairway—going out to patrol the world and coming back to report what they had done (Job 1:6, 2:1; Hebrews 1:14).

Savior of the world

Christians believe that Jesus is coming back again. A terrifying time of unprecedented persecution and suffering, destruction and death will precede His return, however (Revelation 6:1–16:21). Satan will cause havoc, severely persecuting those who believe in God.

silent night

During the final home court basketball game in December, Taylor University basketball fans practice a tradition they call “Silent Night.” Once the game starts, the crowd stays completely silent. All that’s heard are the echoes of the basketball bouncing on the court, the squeak of the players’ shoes, and the occasional chatter among players and coaches. The gymnasium stays quiet until Taylor scores its tenth point. Once that happens—the fans cut loose and the place erupts!

you choose Q: do angels possess free will?

Q: It seems that in the beginning that the angels had free will since one-third rebelled. Do they still have free will or an option to disobey?  —Victoria

A: Angels are spiritual beings created by God (John 1:3; Colossians 1:15-16) and possess essential elements of personality—intellect (2 Corinthians 11:3, 1 Peter 1:12), emotions (Job 38:7; Luke 2:13, 15:10), will (2 Timothy…

close to the cradle

The angels were on the verge of a brawl. As characters in our church’s nativity scene, a multitude of small girls outfitted in white gowns and halos had assembled around the cradle. Unfortunately, some eager cherubs decided that they wanted a better look at the baby. Pushing and elbowing ensued. Finally, one little girl turned to the audience and cried, “Mommy!” just before the nativity director ushered everyone off the stage.

God sends an angel or two . . .

In July of 2010, I was driving on a county road in Southwestern Ontario and fell asleep at the wheel.  My son, who was texting at the time, was sitting beside me when he felt the car shaking as we entered a four-foot ditch.  He shouted to wake me up just in time for me to swerve from a hydro…

you choose Q: what about those giants in the O.T.?

Q: Are the giants in the Old Testament God's creation or humanity's children?  —Merilyn

A: “Giants” (the Nephilites) were first mentioned in Genesis 6:4. Various groups of giants were also mentioned as inhabiting the land of Canaan: the Anakites (Numbers 13:28, Deuteronomy 2:10, 9:2), the Emites (Deuteronomy 2:10), and the Rephaites or the Zamzummites (Deuteronomy 2:20)—their last king has a bed…

angel in the doorway

He stood in the doorway with a toothy grin and an evident social awkwardness. My friend, lying in his hospital bed after having endured major surgery, deftly shooed the visitor away with one-word answers and obvious disinterest. Tom (the visitor) was also a patient. His background and behavior were rough and unpolished. A local mission was his most recent address.…


I was leaving the Guangzhou train station with my ticket when I noticed a distraught Westerner bewildered by the long and jagged lines forming around her. I realized that she must be new to China because she apparently didn’t know that train stations often have ticket offices reserved especially for foreigners. I told her to follow me and I led…

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