Most of us learned two lessons early in childhood: Avoid hot surfaces and sharp objects. They can hurt you. These were good words of wisdom to follow as kids, but now that we’re adults, it’s important to learn a couple more. For God sometimes calls us to pursue things that are (figuratively speaking) fiery and edgy. Some of life’s greatest rewards are found in taking risks.

To illustrate the significance of taking risks, Jesus told a story about a landowner who took an extended journey. Before he left, the man entrusted three different sums of money to three servants, “dividing it in proportion to their abilities” (Matthew 25:15). While he was away, two of the servants wisely took a risk and invested the cash their master had entrusted to them. The investments paid off! They each doubled their portion of the landowner’s wealth (Matthew 25:16-17). And when the master returned, they were each handsomely rewarded for their bold business moves (Matthew 25:19-23).

The third servant took a safer approach. Rather than running the risk of an investment going bad, he hid his money in the ground (Matthew 25:18). Although he didn’t steal or lose any of his master’s wealth, he received a severe reprimand for not going for it! (Matthew 25:24-27).

It can be tempting to play it safe as did the third servant. Instead of faithfully taking what God has entrusted to us and doing something risky for His kingdom, we can slip into the take-no-chances routine of attending church, giving a few bucks, and maybe serving (out of guilt) as an usher or nursery worker.

Don’t hold back! Take some wise risks and use what you have for God. Although the outcome may be uncertain, you can suffer deep loss by simply playing it safe.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: 1 Samuel 8:6-22