One of the many juggling acts parents perform is deciding when to give information to their children. If I know a trip or a family fun time is on the horizon, I want to tell our boys early enough so they can enjoy the anticipation. If I tell them too soon, however, their agony of waiting (and my agony caused by their constant questions of “How much longer?”) is readily apparent!

For hundreds of years, Israel had waited for the arrival of God’s kingdom—the moment when they would be free from tyranny. Jesus’ disciples thought their Master intended to launch this kingdom. But then He died on a cross. Astoundingly, He rose back to life! When He met with His disciples again, Jesus voiced the same message: The powerful arrival of God’s kingdom reign was nearing. “[Jesus] appeared to the apostles . . . and He proved to them . . . that He was actually alive. And He talked to them about the kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3).

It’s understandable then, that Jesus’ disciples would ask if now (finally) the kingdom would actually come. Jesus reminded them that they were not in control of such things: “The Father alone has authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know” (Acts 1:7). Jesus quickly hinted, however, at a signal of God’s approaching kingdom: Soon they would all “receive power when the Holy Spirit comes” (Acts 1:8).

The focus of the Spirit’s arrival was not intense, miraculous signs (new languages spoken, healings, etc.). Rather, it was the unleashing of the kingdom of God.

This is how we know God’s Spirit is active among us—when the kingdom of God is breaking free. Whenever hearts are awakening to God’s life and whenever transformation is happening, we know that the Spirit is bringing us God’s kingdom.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: 1 Samuel 8:1-5