In the last year, my family has had much to worry about. My wife wasn’t called back to her full-time teaching position (we counted on her income to help cover household expenses), my son was having recurring chest pain that we thought was due to an enlarged heart, our insurance was running out and an alternative plan was going to be more than we could afford, and—if that wasn’t enough—I changed jobs. At some point these concerns turned into worry and we let them consume us. We desperately needed the wisdom Jesus spoke of in Matthew 6.

That section begins with Him commanding His followers to stop worrying and scurrying in different directions (Matthew 6:25). He went on to give His followers four reasons why they shouldn’t worry:

Life is more than food, drink, and clothing (Matthew 6:25). Jesus understood that these are necessities in life, but they aren’t the most important things in life.

God cares for His children (Matthew 6:26). If He feeds the birds and clothes the flowers with beautiful color, how much more does God care for those created in His image?

Worrying doesn’t accomplish anything (Matthew 6:27). Jesus said that worrying doesn’t add anything useful to the worrier’s day; it’s actually a life-draining endeavor.

Worrying is godless (Matthew 6:32). Those who don’t know God depend on material possessions, and they allow things to rule their lives. Jesus wants His disciples to live with the assurance that His heavenly Father is in complete control.

Let’s focus on what God cares about, and then He will take care of what we worry about (Matthew 6:33). This means pursuing His rule and supremacy in our lives with all we have. When we do that, He will take care of our needs.