A pastor gathered his wife and children together for a time of prayer, just prior to his departure for an overseas missions trip. He prayed, “Dear Lord, please protect my wife and the children while I’m gone.” When he finished, his wife asked him: “Who do you think protects us while you’re here?”

Good question! Sometimes we take God’s protection for granted and think of it only when we’re faced with an emergency or events like traveling overseas. During our daily commute from home to the office, we hardly think of God’s protection over us.

Known also as the “Traveler’s Psalm,” Psalm 121 is the second of 15 “songs of ascents” (Psalms 120–134), sung by pilgrims as they made their way up to Jerusalem to celebrate the annual feasts (Deuteronomy 16:16). Just as in ancient times, when we or our loved ones leave home for a journey, safety is on our mind. Although the travel hazards are different today, we have a similar need for protection. Psalm 121 reminds us that God is our Helper (Psalm 121:1-3) and Protector (Psalm 121:4-8).

As our Helper, the Creator of the universe (Psalm 121:2) helps us as we journey through life, giving us the security and stability that we need (Psalm 121:3). As our Protector, God is the vigilant watchman, fully aware of the events of our lives because He never sleeps (Psalm 121:4). That reality allows us to rest in safety and serenity (Psalm 3:5, 4:8; Proverbs 3:24).

The Hebrew word for “protective shade” (Psalm 121:5) can also be rendered as “protective shadow.” If God is our shadow (Psalm 17:8, 57:1, 63:7), then He is present with us. Five times in Psalm 121 (Psalm 121:3,4,5,7,8) we’re reminded that He “watches over” us. Because of His protective presence, we can say: “He alone is my . . . place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him” (Psalm 91:2).