A pastor gathered his wife and children together for a time of prayer, just prior to his departure for an overseas missions trip. He prayed, “Dear Lord, please protect my wife and the children while I’m gone.” When he finished, his wife asked him: “Who do you think protects us while you’re here?”
Good question! Sometimes we take God’s protection for granted and think of it only when we’re faced with an emergency or events like traveling overseas. During our daily commute from home to the office, we hardly think of God’s protection over us.
Known also as the “Traveler’s Psalm,” Psalm 121 is the second of 15 “songs of ascents” (Psalms 120–134), sung by pilgrims as they made their way up to Jerusalem to celebrate the annual feasts (Deuteronomy 16:16). Just as in ancient times, when we or our loved ones leave home for a journey, safety is on our mind. Although the travel hazards are different today, we have a similar need for protection. Psalm 121 reminds us that God is our Helper (Psalm 121:1-3) and Protector (Psalm 121:4-8).
As our Helper, the Creator of the universe (Psalm 121:2) helps us as we journey through life, giving us the security and stability that we need (Psalm 121:3). As our Protector, God is the vigilant watchman, fully aware of the events of our lives because He never sleeps (Psalm 121:4). That reality allows us to rest in safety and serenity (Psalm 3:5, 4:8; Proverbs 3:24).
The Hebrew word for “protective shade” (Psalm 121:5) can also be rendered as “protective shadow.” If God is our shadow (Psalm 17:8, 57:1, 63:7), then He is present with us. Five times in Psalm 121 (Psalm 121:3,4,5,7,8) we’re reminded that He “watches over” us. Because of His protective presence, we can say: “He alone is my . . . place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him” (Psalm 91:2).
• Psalm 18:2
• Psalm 37:23-24
• Psalm 91:14-16
How have you taken God’s protection for granted? As you commute from your home to workplace, spend some time acknowledging His presence and protection.
conmeo on December 26, 2010 at 9:46 am
Thank you for this post. We all need these reminders especially when we are lost and alone. Praise God for His Presence even though we don’t feel it at all times.
Daren on December 26, 2010 at 12:56 pm
Psalm 121 is my favorite scripture. I often meditate on it and think of how He watches over me at all times.
sowharvest on December 26, 2010 at 1:40 pm
The Holy Spirit is on it today for me with regard to this reading. Today I just awoke with my heart being so heavy & wondering when LORD? Yet the words of this psalm just humbles me — no matter if day or night GOD is with us(isn’t that funny because Immanuel the name given to OUR LORD and Savior is just that ) no matter how dire and bleak I feel right now.. I am not alone.. Never are we alone. I needed this message on this day at this hour. SO Thank you ODJ for once again spreading the word of GOD and reminding my heart that I never walk alone. The Lord Jesus will somehow (& truly I cannot see a way right now) see us through. Praise to you OH Lord for seeing what my human limitations cannot but my heart can rest in–the somehow. Amen
AManofGod on December 27, 2010 at 1:07 am
The Lord’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts…..we must keep that in mind. Quite often He prepares us for things that we cannot comprehend at that time. The pains sometimes are great but we must understand that they are GROWING pains and will not last forever.
When all is said and done you [and all of us] will have a mighty testamony to tell of how God brought you through a bleak time to a brighter day.
Remain focused, faithful and blessed….at all times!
daisymarygoldr on December 26, 2010 at 10:45 pm
One of my friends never places her purse on the passenger seat during her commute from home to workplace. Keeping the seat vacant is to have Jesus sit beside her as it assures her of His constant presence and protection.
Speaking of protective shadow, the Bible is replete with promises of refuge we find under His wings but the question is: do we really “trust” the shadow of God today?
In his statement “under whose wings you are come to trust”, Boaz complemented Ruth- a stranger who despite the direst of tragedies of widowhood and poverty had decided to trust the God of Israel.
When we do not trust in His refuge it greatly grieves the Lord. In Matthew 23:37, Jesus wept over Jerusalem who had resisted His loving protection.
As for me, shadows are scary—not the daytime ones but the shadows we see when it gets all dark. In my life’s journey, I have experienced that when I hide under the shadow of God, the shadows of widowhood, poverty, and sickness have no hold over me.
The shadow of God that signifies His protective presence shelters me from the fear of all shadows— even the fear of walking through the valley of the shadow of death.