Tag  |  treasures

give what you have

Last year, a few foreign exchange college students from Saudi Arabia celebrated Christmas with our family. When they arrived, they told us they had never experienced a Christmas in the US and were looking forward to it with great anticipation.

65 gifts

Doug Eaton wanted to celebrate his 65th birthday in an uncommon fashion. When he asked his friends how he should celebrate the big day, one suggested that he perform 65 random acts of kindness. And that is exactly what he did. At a busy intersection, he handed out $5 bills for 65 minutes. According to Eaton, giving to others was the best gift he could have asked for. “It’s been fantastic,” Eaton said.

unlimited riches

“The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25).

There are two types of riches in this world. One is material riches, all the latest toys and gadgets, the best restaurants, the newest fashions. The other is riches of the heart. Which will you choose? Let’s examine them:

First is the material riches. Have you…


An Ethiopian farmer hid more than $12,000 in a haystack—which unfortunately was home to some hungry rodents. Just three weeks after he stashed the cash, he discovered that rats had chewed through almost one-third of his savings!

When I read about this farmer’s misfortune, I couldn’t help thinking back to Jesus’ words: “Don’t store up treasures here on earth” (Matthew…

before you enter

Before many of us go to the grocery store, we make a list. Before we exercise, we follow the good practice of stretching. Before we travel, we pack according to the number of days we'll be gone and our destination's climate. Before a new baby is brought home, colorful mobiles and an ample supply of diapers and wipes are purchased.…

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