“The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25).

There are two types of riches in this world. One is material riches, all the latest toys and gadgets, the best restaurants, the newest fashions. The other is riches of the heart. Which will you choose? Let’s examine them:

First is the material riches. Have you ever noticed that on Christmas morning, after the presents have been opened, the kids play with them for a while, then the toys just sit and gather dust? You worked so hard to buy your children what they wanted. But what was the expected response? For the gifts to simply sit there and gather dust while the kids whined about getting something new?

Remember the Cabbage Patch Dolls? People paid hundreds of dollars for those “must have” gifts. Now you could buy one for fifty cents at a yard sale. At the end of the day, aren’t we left with an empty feeling if we’re simply pursuing material things? How do you fill that void? By going out and buying something else? That won’t work. Look at the problems that have been created all over the world by people and governments spending, spending, spending and going deep into debt.

The second choice is to acquire riches of the heart. The only way to gain these greater riches is to help and share with others. This can be done in the simplest, yet most rewarding, ways. Why not visit seniors? They’re lonely and would love someone to spend a little time with them. Why not bake some cookies and take them in and give them to nurses, police officers or teachers. These people have difficult jobs, yet they are often under-appreciated.

Say something nice to the cashier at the grocery store, the bus driver, or a waitress. It doesn’t have to be something profound (although there’s nothing wrong with that). Try going one week saying and doing something nice for a different person each day. Keep a diary of your experiences. If you have children, get them to do it as well. See how it makes you feel. Compare that feeling with what you experience when you get a new toy or keep up with the latest trends.

For me, the time I spent being a volunteer at a hospital for ten years has provided some of my most special, cherished memories.

Prayer: O Jehovah Jireh (The Lord our Provider), You have blessed me with so much. I long for the greatest riches in the world. Here I am, my Beloved. I am Yours to use as You wish. Guide me where I can best be of service to others and to You. In our loving Savior Jesus Christ’s name I pray. Amen.

May the sunshine of Jesus’ sweet love bless you today and every day.  —pics and words submitted by Joseph Green, China