Tag  |  strained relationships

one in ten

You know the feeling—the jolt of recognition. Could it be? You inhale. Why, that’s so-and-so from high school! She grew her hair out, and now she’s a blonde! Somehow, the Internet has made it possible for you to contact her. But, should you open that door? How would it make your wife feel? Recent studies show that one popular social…

show up

My colleague missed the deadline for submitting his part of our project. When I asked our leader how long I should wait, he told me to turn in what I had put together, for my partner would probably never come through. “It’s unfortunate,” he said, “but he isn’t dependable.”

“Not dependable” is a terrible tag. We may be attracted to…

long commute

Michael Hanley traded an 8-minute commute to work for an 8-hour one. When his autoworker job in Wisconsin was phased out, he stayed with the company and took the only position available—in Kansas. His weekly round-trip commute is now more than 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles). He’s gone from his family each workweek, seeing them only on the weekends. But he chose…

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