Tag  |  sharing with others

every life is a unique journey

As I read through the hundreds of emails from visitors to my website, I am reminded of the diversity and uniqueness of our individual journey’s and experiences, and yet I also marvel at the similarities of the human issues we all face.

How we respond and react to those individual challenges and circumstances in many ways defines who we are.…

radical generosity

You’ve likely heard the phrase: “He’d give you the shirt off his back.” It describes the kind of generosity displayed by someone who thinks of the needs of others ahead of his own.

A pastor friend of mine infused life into that phrase when he gave this startling challenge to his congregation: “What would happen if we took the coats…

unlimited riches

“The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25).

There are two types of riches in this world. One is material riches, all the latest toys and gadgets, the best restaurants, the newest fashions. The other is riches of the heart. Which will you choose? Let’s examine them:

First is the material riches. Have you…

company you keep

One of the highlights of living in East Africa is meeting men and women from around the world who come through the region to participate in short or long-term missions. Today, for example, while sitting in a Kampala, Uganda, coffee shop, I met a young married couple from Charleston, South Carolina. Amanda and Michael recently moved to Uganda to help…

November 22, 2010

In the book unChristian, researcher and author David Kinnaman—a believer in Jesus—details many negative perceptions of Christians shared by unbelievers. What can we do to better represent Jesus to the world in a winsome way?

a lesson in giving

Last weekend, I went to a town some two hours away with a group comprised of teens and leaders from my local church. We went to serve at a local ministry that distirbutes food and clothing every Saturday to the poor in the city. It was a privilege to hand out thousands of pounds of food and other resources to people…

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