Tag  |  riches

A Word to the Wealthy

When Robert Edmiston lost his job in the early 1970s, he used the money he received in severance pay to start International Motors. Edmiston went on to become one of the wealthiest business owners in the UK and one of the country’s most generous philanthropists. As a believer in Jesus, he felt compelled to use his wealth to start religious and educational charities that to this day bring hope to people around the world. With offices in Europe, Africa, North America, Latin America, and Asia Pacific, Robert Edmiston has donated hundreds of millions of dollars since 1988.

follow Jesus

Grandpa was a gentle but firm primary school principal in Pretoria, South Africa. In my final year as a student teacher, he shared a few trade secrets with me. His advice on how to get a disruptive pupil out of the classroom and into isolation was most helpful: “Look the child in the eye and say with authority, ‘Follow me,’ then turn and walk confidently out of the classroom while not looking back.” I tested his advice when dealing with an unruly adolescent and, though I doubted it would work, I soon heard him reluctantly following me.

three wishes

If you were granted three wishes, for what would you wish? Would you wish for the eradication of global poverty? Would you wish for financial security? Would you wish for good looks, good health, and long life? The question itself isn’t as important as how we answer the question; for our answers reveal our character and what’s important to us.

paul’s prayer

What personal prayers for yourself have you lifted up lately? Did you ask God for provision of needs, delivery from temptation, or forgiveness of sin? Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1:15-18 offers us some good prayer points.

workaholic or fool

There was a man who worked 70 hours a week. Fortunately, he loved his job. He brought home a nice paycheck and provided good things for his family. He thought, One of these days I’ll slow down—but not today. One evening, he came home and his family wasn’t there.

living light

When Dee Williams decided to downsize she sold her 3-bedroom house and moved into an 84-square foot “tiny house.” This transition liberated her from a monthly mortgage payment. She now owns her home—which cost a fraction of the price—and pays just hardly anything each month in heating costs. Before moving in, Dee purged many of her possessions. Old photos, love…

meaning of life

"The meaning of your life is the meaning you give it,” writes philosopher A. C. Grayling in his book Thinking of Answers. He suggests trying to create meaning in our lives through the pursuit of relationships and goals, by developing our talents and interests, and through our hopes and desires. Grayling concludes that life itself is meaningless and the only meaning…

tale of two rich men

Many of us are familiar with the story of Zacchaeus, the “wee little man” (as the Sunday school song goes) who climbed up a sycamore tree to see Jesus passing by. However, Luke sets Zacchaeus’ story in close context to the story of another rich man—a young and wealthy leader who visited Jesus. The proximity of the two narratives highlights…

unlimited riches

“The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25).

There are two types of riches in this world. One is material riches, all the latest toys and gadgets, the best restaurants, the newest fashions. The other is riches of the heart. Which will you choose? Let’s examine them:

First is the material riches. Have you…

here's a tip

How does the after-church crowd tip?” I asked the waitress. If my question lacked subtlety, her response possessed even less. “They’re the worst!” she said emphatically. “None of us wants to work the lunch shift on Sunday.”

That dialog helped me understand my pastor’s comment as he dismissed us following a service. “You are now entering the mission field,” he…

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