Tag  |  fearing God


The word blameless has become such an anomaly today that we rarely hear it used. Well, at least not in the arenas of business, sports, or politics. You hear the words shrewd and skillful being spoken, but definitely not blameless. So when this word recently popped up during a casual conversation, it stirred my interest. Two questions came to mind: What…

fearing God

Several years ago, I went to the doctor for a checkup. I’d been feeling poorly for a while—tired, blue, and lethargic. I knew I needed to lose weight and return to exercising. However, sitting in that sterile medical room, across from a serious-looking doctor, my predicament finally sank in. My cholesterol was high, and my weight was out of control.…

let it (all) go

Karl Rabeder is an Austrian millionaire, but not for much longer. He’s giving away his entire fortune, more than 3 million pounds. His 3,455-square-foot villa overlooking the Alps, his six gliders, his expensive Audi A8, his country estate—all will be sold. As Rabeder told The Daily Telegraph, “My idea is to have nothing left. Absolutely nothing.” The money will fund his…

small sins

Fish farmers in the southern U.S. had a small problem. Algae was filling their ponds, so they took the seemingly innocent step of importing Asian carp—which can grow to 100 pounds and eat 40 percent of their body weight each day—to clean the bottom of their ponds. But flooding swept the carp into the Mississippi River, which they navigated until…

hallowed be Your name

In a discipleship class, the participants were asked to monitor their prayer requests in a prayer journal. The purpose was to keep track of things they would present to God. By doing so, they were encouraged to pray beyond their own individual needs.

What are some things we pray for? Good health? Healing? A promotion? More money? It’s interesting that…

dying wish

Last year, Amilcar Hill and Rahwa Ghirmatizion were married at their child’s funeral. Now before you start to cast stones (instead of rice) at them, realize that they were simply striving to honor their son Asa. Prior to the 7-year-old’s tragic death in an automobile accident, he had been repeatedly asking his mom and dad—who had never legally wed—to tie…


Kentucky is an 11-year-old penguin who is scared to stick even one toe in the water. Experts say his phobia developed because he has “molting issues,” which is zookeeper lingo for losing your feathers too easily. As it turns out, having fewer feathers means more goosebumps and a greater sensitivity to cold water!

Gideon was afraid to get his feet…

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