Last year, Amilcar Hill and Rahwa Ghirmatizion were married at their child’s funeral. Now before you start to cast stones (instead of rice) at them, realize that they were simply striving to honor their son Asa. Prior to the 7-year-old’s tragic death in an automobile accident, he had been repeatedly asking his mom and dad—who had never legally wed—to tie the knot. And so they chose a most unlikely and yet very appropriate time to become husband and wife.

It’s interesting what can cause people to do the right thing. Sometimes even death’s shadow can lead to good choices. At the close of his life, Joshua presented a choice to the people of Israel. He said, “Choose today whom you will serve.” Would they choose their ancestors, the gods of the Amorites or the one true God? His choice? “As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord” (v.15).

Joshua was passionately appealing to the people for single-minded devotion to God. But what should this look like? Check out verse 14: “Fear the Lord and serve Him wholeheartedly.” When our hearts are filled with reverence and awe (fear) of God, we won’t make foolish choices out of fear of man or anything else in this world. When we love God with all our hearts and obey His Word (wholehearted devotion), our lives will glorify Him and testify to others of His reality (v.22).

What will make you choose to fully follow God? What will it take for you to make the right choice? The poignant story of young Asa and his parents is a wake-up call to all of us. Life is fleeting. God is calling us to surrender our hearts, our desires, our all to Him. Choose Him today, and begin to truly live.