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One Day, Every Nation

One summer I spent a month in Bolivia, living with missionaries at a fledgling Bible school. Different jobs awaited me each day. Sometimes I cooked, cleaned, or did laundry. But every day I worked on construction projects. I loved learning all of the different tasks (okay, not the laundry!). One day, a pair of missionaries from another religion came to the school to tell us about their beliefs and to challenge ours. The thought of answering their questions intimidated me. I put my head down and kept working while a friend talked with them. I remember thinking, “I’m glad I don’t have to do that job!”

staying on track

In 2013, a train carrying 218 people derailed in Spain, killing 79 and injuring 66 more. Though the train’s engineer said he couldn’t explain why the accident occurred, video footage provided answers. The train was going as fast as 119 mph before it hit the deadly curve—more than twice the speed limit for that section of track. So it wasn’t just the speed that caused the accident. It was the combination of the speed and the location of the track. The boundary of the speed limit was created for the protection of the passengers, but the seasoned engineer ignored it, and it led to tragedy.

hearing God’s Word

As a Christian radio broadcaster, I get to encourage listeners by presenting truths from God’s Word, and—in the process—I’m also encouraged and built up in my faith. Berni Dymet, a broadcaster, author, and speaker, recently tweeted that he’d recorded a number of radio messages and that he’d been ministered to as he read the Word of God out loud. Hearing God’s Word is a powerful antidote to the very real struggles of everyday life.

sexual freedom

Nearly half of the children born in my country are born to unwed mothers. One million more are aborted each year. Teenagers can purchase over-the-counter “morning after” pills. Our Supreme Court has ruled that men may marry men and women may marry women, and anyone who says otherwise is injuring them. Few people think they should wait for marriage to have sex, and many who do marry still end up divorcing their spouse.

rainbows and remembering

The sight of a rainbow can trigger many thoughts. Spotting one might conjure up fairy tales of leprechauns and pots teeming with gold.

breaking tradition

I didn’t realize how much my family’s Christmas traditions were ingrained in me until it came time for my husband and me to form our own. While we may have strong opinions about when to begin decorating or the best way to open presents, the real issue is deeper. In the ever-changing flow of life, traditions bring a sense of stability. Even though no amount of Christmas baking, tree-decorating, or family get-togethers can guarantee us permanence, we still hold them dear.

sacred flames

In November 2011, Mike and Nancy Rogers were married as the lodge in which they were supposed to be wed burned to the ground behind them. The blaze destroyed the beautiful building—including a kitchen, conference center, pool, and guesthouses—as the wedding party retreated to another building for the ceremony. The wedding gifts and flowers were destroyed, but Nancy said, “We lost all that stuff, but that’s not important to us. We got the most important things.”

good-bye egypt

The Hebrews’ life was literally changed overnight. For generations they had been slaves in Egypt—born as slaves, raised as slaves, and died as slaves. It was beyond their wildest imagination that they would ever be set free.

Now 2 million of them were traversing out of Egypt to a new land. But the exhilaration of their newfound freedom and status…

January 26, 2012

Why is it important to recognize that marriage should be a holy covenant between a man, a woman, and God?

single or married

As a single woman, for years my view of marriage was based more on what it takes from a life than what it can add to it. But over time, I’ve been able to better understand marriage by studying God’s Word.

In 1 Corinthians 7:8-9, Paul’s general advice is that it’s better to stay unmarried because of the opportunities it…

how are you?

How do you respond to the greeting, “How are you?” Most of us simply reply, “Fine. How are you?” Others develop trademark comebacks, such as “Better than I deserve.” I know of one fellow who answers, “I’m just the Lord’s prostitute.”

What?! This provocative reply is an inappropriate response to an innocuous greeting—too much information!—but it does make an important…

sweet smell of repentance

As I opened a container that had been neglected at the back of the fridge, a foul odor filled the air and nearly made me gag. Over way too many weeks, some leftovers had turned into a repulsive, moldy mass.

In Hosea, we find God holding His nose—being repulsed—as He viewed His people. In a well-known account, He compared unfaithful…

being sure of the cause

John Calvin once said, “All the exhortations which can be given us to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ and in defence of the gospel will have no effect if we do not feel sure of the cause for which we fight.” Jesus, in Luke 22, was absolutely sure of the cause for which He was fighting.

Luke’s account…


Four years ago, Egypt was at the top of our list of dream vacations. Scheduling conflicts, however, left Egypt on our wish list as we chose another destination. We still hope to visit Egypt one day.

I especially would like to see the Valley of the Kings, a series of tombs tunneled in the rugged and harsh mountainside. Having held…


Most parents want a better life for their children. Often, those who are financially able will leave their children a sizable inheritance—hoping that an extra cushion of cash will help them handle the needs, dangers, and uncertainties of life. This is a noble act, for Proverbs 13:22 declares, "Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren."

But it's not the…

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