The Hebrews’ life was literally changed overnight. For generations they had been slaves in Egypt—born as slaves, raised as slaves, and died as slaves. It was beyond their wildest imagination that they would ever be set free.

Now 2 million of them were traversing out of Egypt to a new land. But the exhilaration of their newfound freedom and status didn’t last long. Soon they faced the threat of genocide. Behind them were Pharaoh’s much-feared troops; in front of them a watery grave. They were trapped! The idioms “hot on the heels” and “trapped between the devil and the deep blue sea” fit their predicament perfectly.

Instead of trusting God, who had demonstrated His power so overwhelmingly to save them, the Israelites turned on their rescuer. Essentially, they cried: “Give us the security of slavery rather than the risk of faith.”

But, once again, God displayed His patience and power. He created a path through the Red Sea. This miracle of deliverance is an event that the prophets of Israel would look back on and mention often (see Psalm 106:7-12). It was a milestone event reminding the people that God remembered His covenant with Abraham (Genesis 17:1-8), and He intended to keep it.

How about us? Are we faithful to His covenant? Like ancient Israel, all of us have the same need to be set free from bondage (Exodus 1–15), to know who God is and what He is like through the covenant at Sinai (chapters 16–24), and to experience fellowship with God through His presence (chapters 25–40). The book of Exodus tells us that God will meet those needs. Our part is simply to trust and obey His Word and worship Him alone.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: 1 Kings 21:1-29