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you choose Q: after judgment will we go to heaven or the new earth? Also, will aborted babies be judged?

Q: After judgment, will we go to heaven or the new earth? Also, will the aborted babies be judged?  —Daniel 

A: The Bible speaks of a final judgment where every human person will stand before God’s “great white throne” (Revelation 20:11-12). Those who do not know Jesus, “anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life” will be…


His soft hair brushing against my chin, the tiny bundle snuggled on my shoulder. Though I’m well past the baby stage with our own children, I so enjoy these tender times with friends’ babies. Even when they’re fussy, I enjoy the opportunity to nestle them close—especially when I can feel the tension leave their little bodies as they relax in slumber. At the same time, these precious moments encourage me to let go of everything that previously seemed foreboding or demanding.

upside down

My friend’s sister is due to give birth, and no one is happy about it. Her baby has Trisomy 18, a fatal disease that will likely claim the infant just minutes after she is born. It seems fiendishly upside down that the baby is alive as long as she remains within her mother, but the moment she is born she…

what's in a name?

Babies may be small, but preparing and caring for one requires some big things: Fixing up his or her room. Buying a crib, baby clothes, and toys. And one biggie is deciding what to name the little bundle of joy. This is not always an easy task, for most parents want to select names that both sound good and possess…

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