Q: What’s the significance of the number 153, the number of fish that the disciples caught?  —Safy

A: John 21 tells us that the resurrected Christ appeared to several of his disciples beside the Sea of Galilee—showing them that he was alive and then restoring Peter to ministry. The disciples had gone back to their fishing trade, but throughout the night, they caught nothing. At dawn, Jesus told them to cast their net on the right side of the boat. This time their net was full and Peter later counted 153 large fish (v.11).

There’s no symbolism or special significance in the number 153. It was normal for fisherman to count the number of fish they had caught before they sold them at the market. The counting was also intended to divide the catch equally among the fishermen. It was simply the customary record of a fisherman’s work.

The Gospel writer John, however, was trying to emphasize that it was a miraculous catch by stating the large quantity. He was revealing Jesus’ generous provision for his disciples and others, just as He done on previous occasions (See John 2:1-12, and 6:1-15).  —K.T. Sim

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