Q: What would be the wisest thing for me to do today if it was my last day on earth?  —Raymond

A: There’s no lack of things you could do if this was your last day on earth. Indulge in food. Rob a bank. Go on a shopping spree. Say goodbye to your loved ones. Forgive. Reconcile. Plan your own funeral. But what would be the wisest thing to do would depend in part on what your priorities are.

If this was my last day on earth, I would want to spend time with my loved ones and—with them—get ready for my eternity. I would want to be ready to meet my God!

That was what one condemned criminal did. Together with another criminal and Jesus who claimed to the Son of God, the man was crucified, a common capital punishment in those days (Luke 23:32,39-43). This man knew that this would be his last day on earth. In a few hours, he would be dead! Fearful, he knew he had to stand before God in judgment—to account for how he had lived his life (Amos 4:12). He admitted that he had done wrong, deserving the just punishment (vv.40-41). And he believed Jesus was innocent, and was indeed who He claimed to be—the Messiah (v.39). So he entrusted his eternity to the King of the Jews (vv.42-42). In response, Jesus gave him this assurance: “Today you will be with me in paradise” (v.43).

This was a life-changing moment for the condemned man. All of his past sinful record had been deleted and his future destiny changed and secured for all eternity. For there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). His belief in Jesus was the wisest thing the man had done in his entire life.

Likewise, the wisest thing for you to do if today if this is your last day on earth is to be prepared to meet God. And if you believe in Jesus, you’re ready. You should have no fear as you prepare to meet your God! You are ready for eternity (John 14:1-3).  —K.T. Sim

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