Q: I have not been regularly attending church since I was little because of certain issues. I eventually find myself not ready to mingle into more closely with the others. I feel like I’m avoiding cell group and feeling more comfortable to attend Sunday service(whenever I do not have classes). I’m just feeling that Jesus must be really upset disappointed with my attitude and mentality.  —Cass

Cass, there is no question regular fellowship with other Christians is important. We are not able to survive in this life isolating ourselves from one another. God has designed us to connect and share life so that we may encourage one another to go on even when we feel like we can’t go a step further (Hebrews 10:24-25). It’s in the process of encouraging one another in the midst of the tough times that we “carry each other’s burdens” and fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).

With that said, let me also say that I don’t believe Jesus is “upset” with you. And I know for certain that He doesn’t condemn you. The Jesus I read of in the Bible and have come to personally know likely feels sad for you, that you don’t feel comfortable experiencing fellowship with other Christians. Jesus accepts you where you are, but He doesn’t want you to stay there. He wants you to be honest about why you don’t feel comfortable.

From the little you shared, it sounds like you are the kind of independent person who may get a lot of things done, but who has been conditioned to believe that you don’t really need people to be close to you. This is not true, but it may likely be why you keep your distance. It’s probably why you don’t feel like getting to know others at church and bolt for the door once the service is over. Talking to people feels too scary and vulnerable.

The truth is, however, that the thing that scares you the most is where, humanly speaking, you will find your greatest joy and comfort in this life. I pray that you will push through your fears and join a cell (small) group at church. That may be a great place to take the risk and share your reservations about letting people into your life and the story that’s behind it. Opening and becoming vulnerable with others may be one of the most courageous things you will ever do.  —Jeff Olson

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