Q: l am looking to link up with an accountability male partner—a mature fellow. Could you advise?  —Spencer

A: Spencer, I’ve been a part of accountability groups for many years. My current group of guys has meet for nearly two decades. Accountability can be very helpful in providing encouragement for you and the sharpening of your faith—even as you see others experience the same things (Proverbs 27:17). Here are some practical ideas that I’ve gleaned from the accountability groups I’ve been a part of:

1. Pray for God to direct you to the right person or persons.

2. Look for people who are the same sex, are growing believers in Christ, can be trusted, and are truly interested in mutual accountability.

3. Discuss the possibility of them joining you in accountability and ask them to pray about it.

4. Once you have established your group (2-4 people works best), meet regularly—once a week, bi-weekly, etc.

5. Make sure the place you meet is quiet and free from distraction so that you can truly share from your hearts.

6. Agree together that what you share remains in the group and is confidential.

7. Ask one another key questions about your individual lives each time you meet. Here is a suggested list for men from the excellent accountability ministry Character that Counts.

8. Pray together, share Scripture together, praise God together, laugh together, cry together.

9. The groups I have met with typically spend one to 1 ½ hours together each week.

10. Bring others into the group if and when all other members agree.

Hope this helps, Spencer. May God bless you in your desire to grow in Jesus and to see others grow as well!  —Tom Felten

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