Q: I would love to learn more about how to pass on the Good News to others.  —Marcela

A: Evangelism is sharing the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ with lost sinners, offering them hope of reconciliation with God through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit. Sharing the good news must be done both in word and deed. Our model is Jesus, the One who made Himself the servant of all (Philippians 2:1-9).

Be properly motivated. Sharing the good news of salvation is the farthest thing from an argument or a “sales pitch.” It shouldn’t be an expression of your ego or desire to prove something. Show respect. Jesus died for the people you meet, so you should share God’s vision of the value of their individuality, perspective, and free will.

Speak from a foundation of integrity, the reality of the transformation that has already begun in your own heart. Evangelism is the task of every Christian, and can be carried out in many ways. It cannot be separated from engagement with the real world.  —Dan VanderLugt

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