Read: Romans 7

There’s an old saying, “I am my own worst enemy.” This certainly is true in my life. I love Jesus and want to be someone He can be proud to call His child. But this person I see in my mind, the one who is totally crazy about my beloved Lord and Savior, is not who I am most days. Many times when I’m in church I feel like I’m putting on an act—that this is who I want to be, but not who I truly am on the inside.

Reading Romans 7 gives me hope, for even Paul—the great church planter—said he had trouble being the person he wanted to be. Paul said that the reason we have this trouble is sin. With that said, here are some questions for you and me:

1.    Who do I want to be?

2.   If I am a Christian, why do I still have trouble with sin?

3.   What can I do to become the person I want to be?

—submitted by Jon Sumner, US