I’ve been going through something. Exactly what, I don’t fully understand right now.  My faith that I once thought was so strong has seemed to dwindle away. Or maybe I didn’t have as much as I thought and this is a test to show me that I need more faith, to trust God more.

Sometimes I feel that God speaks to me, but He doesn’t seem to confirm it by other people. I’m at a crossroad as to whether I trust that this is His voice or just live by what other people say. God seems silent on this matter. There are so many ways to look at the situation, but in the end I feel it’s just God and I walking together and having this conversation. I keep saying to Him, “But God, my spouse is not confirming what I feel you are saying to me.” This is all very confusing.

As I read the Bible it seems that many times God did not confirm His voice until after the person stepped out in faith—doing what they felt God wanted them to do. This is so hard, because—like Gideon—I want confirmation. But I just hear silence. If I look at this from a personal integrity standpoint, I must do what I feel God is asking me to do. I made a commitment to a ministry and I backed out because I didn’t get encouragement from my spouse to continue in this commitment. It seems to keep coming up in my mind, so yesterday I made a choice to keep my commitment because I didn’t feel peace in not doing so. I don’t feel good about telling people I will do something and not keeping my word. So, on this basis, I came back to do what I felt I was called to do. I still don’t know if this really is God’s will, but I must keep my commitment.

I’m still unsure, but I can have peace knowing that I am doing what I feel is the right thing to do. I feel so alone in my decision, but maybe God has designed it this way. I will let you know what happens, if anything. I’ve learned that I do not have as much faith as I thought I did. I’ve been praying for God to increase my faith, for when God seems silent I feel so insecure. Maybe this is faith?  —submitted by Esther Bautista, US