God is not reasonable. Has He asked something unreasonable of you lately? Have you been obedient? Or (as I often do) have you argued or reasoned that HIS request is “unreasonable,” so you just don’t obey? I need to think about this, because either I want to follow Him or I don’t.

Let’s see—let me know if any of this sounds reasonable to you:

A woman talks to and cooperates with a serpent just because God’s request to stay away from just one thing seemed “unreasonable.” “Did God really say . . . ?” Genesis 3:1

“Build an Ark Noah” “Umm. Okay Lord, but what exactly is this ‘rain’ thing again?” Sound reasonable to you? Genesis 6:1-22

“Abram, Sarai, just follow me. Oh, and by the way, I’m not telling you why, or where we are going and don’t get too used to those names.” Reasonable? Genesis 12:1-9, Genesis 17:1-15

“Just stretch out your staff and watch the Red Sea part.” How about that one, Moses? Reasonable? Exodus 14:16

“Hey Josh, just follow my marching orders and the city will fall—literally.” Reasonable, right? Joshua 6:1-27

“Israel, trust Me and obey me and I will bless you. Israel, forsake Me and go your own way and I will curse you.” Leviticus 26:1-14 And thousands of years later, they’re still trying to reason with Him.

“Yes Mary, I said ‘baby!’” “Joseph, yes, I said ‘virgin!’” Reasonable? Matthew 1:18-21

Place your hope in Jesus Christ and He will take your place on the cross for every sin in thought, word, or deed that you have or ever will commit. He will rise again after dying on that cross. Your belief in Him and that faith alone will save you. Reasonable? Acts 16:31

Well, after so much reasoning with God, I don’t want to try to make God make sense anymore. I simply want to obey Him, for that’s what He asks of me. How about you?

Has He asked you to forgive someone? Has He asked you to love the unlovely person in your life? Has He asked you (like Abe and Sarah) to move away from what is comfy and certain; a job, a relationship, or a home? Has He asked you to stop something? Has He asked you to start something? Has He asked you to give something? Has He asked you to deal with your pride, anger, fear, jealousy, addictions? Or, what may seem the most unreasonable, Has He been silent?

I know His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts, for Isaiah 55:8 promised me that. I also know He is God and I am not. I believe He is sovereign, and I believe He loves me and you.

I’m going to keep working on this—how about you? I’m currently facing several opportunities to trust God even though the circumstances don’t seem reasonable. Will you pray for me? I would like the chance to pray for you as well. Post your prayer request below and I will pray for you! Sound reasonable?

—submitted by Kathy Lonsinger, US, Speaker and Founder A Gentle Answer Ministries