As I reflect on the horrid event that occurred at the elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut (US), I am truly saddened that there apparently was no one in this young man’s life that recognized and acted on the level of turmoil he was enduring. It also occurs to me that this level of despair is potentially present in our own backyards. Please pray that God’s presence, peace and love overwhelms the city of Newtown.

When I was younger, something happened in my life that devastated me. I believed that there was nowhere to turn. My emotions spanned the extremes; suicide, anger, pain, revenge. My friends felt my pain, but there was no one offering up the advice or the comfort I needed to heal the extreme anguish I was suffering. That was, until I spoke to my sister and brother-in-law. They offered up specific biblical scripture related to the agape (perfect) love that God has for all His children. I recognized that all His children included me and the promise of His love gave me immediate peace and caused me to seek a more intimate relationship with Him. My emotions of suicide, anger, pain and revenge were soon exchanged with joy, peace, hope and love. Would I have ever “acted out” suicide, the anger or revenge that I was experiencing during that unbearable time had God not intervened through my sister or brother-in-law? I’ll never know, but because of the love they had for God, they took a risk, reached out, and saved me. They’re God’s heroes; they saved one of His children. They’re my heroes, they saved me!

Do you know what a hero is? Webster’s Dictionary describes a hero as:
• One who shows great courage. And……
• The central figure in an event or period. I’ve also seen a hero defined as…….
• An ordinary person doing an extraordinary thing.
Did my sister and brother-in-law not show courage when they approached me, an unbeliever, to share the love of Jesus Christ? Were they not the central figures during the event that I was going through? Were they not ordinary people doing an extraordinary thing in Jesus name in an attempt to save me in my deepest hour of despair? They boldly stepped up and spoke, knowingly endangering our future relationship. Their decision to please God more than me was a very powerful and defining moment in my life that became the foundational cornerstone in a relationship that I now enjoy with my Lord and Savior today.

Do you know that you, as one of God’s children, have the same power to reach into someone’s life and save them from the depressions they may suffer? You could well be the only light in someone’s otherwise dismal life. 1 Corinthians 10:13 states, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.” The despair that this young man was experiencing was not unique to him alone, despair is common to all of us. 1 Corinthians 10:13 continues…”And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” Consider that YOU may be that only way out in someone’s life. Don’t ever underestimate your ability, in Jesus name and power, to bring new life to an otherwise desolate situation, to be the light at the end of someone’s dark tunnel, the hand that rescues someone who is drowning.

In Matthew 9:37, Jesus, talking to His disciples said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” The “harvest” refers to those lost in the world today, of which we know are plentiful. The “workers” are the believers of which Jesus said were few.

Let’s get to work and harvest those that are lost. Be courageous!! Be that extraordinary person!! Be that sister and brother-in-law!! And know that God is with you!!

Let’s also find it in our hearts to forgive this young man, He was deceived by the liar of liars! Rejoice, the King of Kings will soon CRUSH the prince of darkness under His feet! PTL.  —submitted by Scott Phillips, US